It's Really the Little Things

Children laughing hysterically...
My sister's pink Coach bag...
The first ice-cream cone of the summer...
And of course Revlon's Kiss Me Coral nail polish has me smiling throughout the day.
Now I understand why some women never skip on the manis and pedis. It just creates a polished look that shows you took that extra step.
And if you can't make it to your neighborhood spa, try creating your own retreat at home. Brown sugar, olive oil, and your favorite scented oil (try lavender or coconut) serves as a scrub good enough to package.
Yes. I'm overdue for a pedicure right now. Pedis and manis are something that I will be doing more of for myself. Even though I love getting them done professionally, I don't enjoy parting w/the money as often as I would like to have them done. I don't do such a bad job, but I may treat myself every once in a while. It does show that you took that extra step and that you care just a little bit more when your nails are done even if you have to wash your own dishes.
I had a shoe salesman who was surprised to see my feet were done because he said that it is during the winter/colder months that many women just let their feet go. Also, that is a very pretty color.
It is definitely easy to let that part of yourself go during the winter months, but pedis and manus are definitely a gift to yourself.
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