No Fun Being Sick and Nine Months Pregnant

For seven whole days, I struggled with the worst imaginable cold on this side of creation. For no apparent reason, I couldn't shake it. I barely breathed and just lay underneath a blanket watching the time go by. I think I probably watched one too many episodes of Bringing Home Baby, Run's House, A Baby Story, CNN, and any remotely mindless television program. It seemed that my mind was affected by this cold, as it took all of my energy to take in oxygen. By Thursday, after I tried Claritin, Tylenol, Sudafed, bowls of chicken soup, Vitamin C, and glasses of Orange Juice; I listened to my Dr. Babes. I rubbed Vicks inside of my nostrils and put a dollop on the mold of my head and went to bed. Mind you, it was extremely uncomfortable, because it felt like a burning sensation in my nose, but what did I have to lose? It worked wonders. My only regret was not doing that from the first day.
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