Raise to Educate

I'm currently raising funds for an organization that is near and dear to my heart. The Hyacinth-Williams Foundation is a nonprofit organization dedicated to educating children in the rural and innercity areas of Jamaica. Some of the schools have no indoor plumbing, there are sixty plus children in classrooms, and low mastery levels. Many of these children turn to a life of crime because they are entering into the workforce with little to no skills to support themselves.
We are on a month long campaign to raise $25,000.
Join the Hyacinth WIlliams Foundation for Children's 30-day campaign to raise $25,000to directly help more than 1,200 children at the Rousseau Primary School in Kingston, Jamaica. These children are between 6 and 11 years old, full of life and full of potential.
A small donation of $10 or $25 will go a long way toward making this plan a reality. You and I can make a difference in the lives of these deserving children if we give even a little of what we have.
With a suggested donation of just $10 you can help:
* Construct a four-room classroom style buidling to house the special needs program, a library, a resource technology and two additional classrooms to reduce overcrowding.
* To implement and fund a Special Education program to reach students with special needs.
* To continue the support of the Rosseau Homework and Cultural Program.
Check out the website at www.raisetoeducate.com and with your help we can offer Jamaican children a quality education and the tools to a better life.
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