The First Cold

Sometimes I underestimate the impact of post-pregnancy hormones until I feel the tears rolling down the sides of my face. My sweet pea had her first cold a couple days ago and to see her coughing and looking miserable was just a bit too unbearable. I teared up as I watched my husband use the syringe bulb to clear out her nose. She strongly dislikes it.
But after some prayer, rubbing eucalyptus oil on her foot bottom, and spraying the Little Noses decongestant in her nose, all was well in the world. I could barely sleep knowing that my baby experienced difficulty breathing. That primal maternal extinct surely kicks in at the right time.
Our 4 month old has been congested all week and it's killing the both of us to hear her coughing and having difficulty breathing, I think she's coming out of it though. We feel your pain!!!
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