Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Now I Know My ABC's....

Let's face it, we all want our children to be prepared for the first day of school. Among many areas we would like our sweeties to master, their alphabets are definitely one of them. Admittedly, I don't want just want any old kind of poster up on the wall, I kind of want a poster or decals that goes with her room's decor. So, I offer you the one above to check out at Eebo. com and also the Martha Stewart vintage inspired alphabet cards at Michael's. Which ones are your favorites?

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

For Christmas Trees Who Have Contemplated Not Showing ...

...Their Full Glory Because Little Hands Are Too Much.

Am I the only one who has gradually kept all my decorations at the top of the tree, away from little hands?

A great alternative is felt garland, which can easily be made by following this tutorial on or purchased from Made by Mary on

One of my goals for the new year is to spend less and make more. I recently sewed some stockings and a tote bag, which I stayed up til early in the morning (I'm new to crafting and sewing), but there was so much love in each stitch. Besides, the process of purchasing "ingredients" rather than running out to buy a pre-made and pre-packaged present cannot be compared. In a world where the closest homemade item may very well may be dinner on Sundays, a homemade gift goes a long way.

Question for you, how many homemade gifts did you create this year? How was your experience?

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Stocking Stuffers: Day Seven

Give the gift of a healthy smile.

Electric toothbrushes are one of the best inventions. Not only does it ensure that you brush your teeth for the allotted time of two minutes, it also provides your teeth with the correct circular motion at the ideal pressure. Why not let your kiddies join in on the fun?

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Stocking Stuffers: Day Six

Give the gift of writing.

Encourage your child to not only write but to value words by putting their thoughts in a journal. My sister presented me with a diary at the tender age of nine and I still have it have filled countless other journals. Who knows where that one journal for that one child may lead?

Friday, December 18, 2009

Stocking Stuffers: Day Five

I love these knitted veggie and fruit rattles. What better way for your sweeties to learn the names of their fruits and vegetables, without it attracting fruit flies. An adorable site, has a collection of them.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Stocking Stuffers: Day Four

Give the gift of fruit.

I don't know too many people who will pass up a plump, juicy clemetine that's loaded with Vitamin C. It's also very easy for children to feed themselves with because their little hands can peel the skin and eat the inside. Plus for $6.99 you can get a box of them from Trader Joe's. A nice addition to any stocking. Hopefully it won't pale beside the sugar cookies and candy canes.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Stocking Stuffers: Day Three

Give the gift of school supplies to a young child that you may not know.

How it works? Visit and for as little as $18 you can feed a family, provide school supplies, and much more. Or check out for more options. Christmas is a great time to teach our children about the true spirit of Christmas which is love.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Stocking Stuffers: Day Two

Give the gift of books.

I started reading New England White by Stephen Carter last week and have not been able to put it down. His prose continues to show sophistication and intellect. Furthermore, if you have never read Emperor of Ocean Park, you might want to add it to your reading list as well.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Stocking Stuffers - Day One

Help, I have become a black Martha Stewart.

Well, not really. But this is the first Christmas season in my adult life where I have paid attention to every detail. I have decked the halls with evergreen and have even stiched stockings for every child in my life in New England.

I will show you what I have stitched up later this week but for the next 10 days leading up to Christmas I will provide you with some objects you can fill those stockings in your home.

This first one I have for you is of course none other than the Carol's Daughter Frog Princess gift set. This will surely be a hit for any princess in your life. By the way, did you know the lovely Anika Noni Rose is an alum of Florida A&M University? I'll never forget when I just moved to CT and I was selling Dream Chasers at a NAACP meeting. Ms. Rose's father said, "Hey, my daughter went to FAMU. Anika Rose. She's a Broadway Performer."

I wish I had hear of her, but I didn't. But now four years later she is a household name. All the best to you, Anika!

If you've seen Frog Princess, shoot me a line and let me know what you think. I'm waiting on Christmas Day to see it with Sweet Pea and her cousins.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Julie & Julia

I know I'm late but the last movie I saw in the theater was prior to the birth my sweetie, but this weekend I was finally able to see Julie & Julia. What an amazing movie! At first I found myself a bit annoyed with Julie (Amy Adams), the disgruntled employee of a Lower Manhattan Development firm and grew bored with her plot. However, it's a big feat to play opposite Meryl Streep. However, I was a bit inspired by both Julia's and Julie's story...since in a lot of ways I can identify with the struggles of realizing your dreams albeit how small or monumental they may be.

So, I have resolved to really give my blog a chance. I promise to provide you with an entry everyday. Who knows what can happen if I give every part of my life the best I can offer?
