Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Happy Earth Day!

One of the biggest challenges I have faced with going green is that it is overwhelming. Let's face it, we're surrounded by toxins and radiation and sometimes I wonder if the little I do will ever make a difference. Sometimes I even go further and say, "Hey, my mom cleaned with bleach and ammonia for years and I'm fine." Well, I may be okay but think of the amount of individuals that have been affected by toxic cleaning products. My conclusion of the matter is that YES the little you do can go a long way.
A while back, I wrote about our choice to use cloth diapers, now six weeks later, we're still using them and they're nearly not as difficult as others said it would be. I also feel good knowing that our daughter is not exposed on a daily basis to the chemicals needed to make disposable diapers super absorbent. We also make a joint effort to use environmentally friendly cleaning products like Mrs. Meyer's cleaning products, which makes the house smell really fresh and not harsh.
Also, we really love Caldra's Sweet Pea laundry detergent for the baby. Yes, it's $16 but you need only a little to wash a load.
You may ask if my house is completely green. My answer is no. We still use mainstream products, but as I like to say, "The ancient Mali empire wasn't built in a day."
Monday, April 21, 2008
Swimsuits for After The Baby
There are a lot of misconceptions of a woman's size after pregnancy, especially with celebs donning their six pack a week after giving birth. (Okay, two weeks.)
But for the rest of us, it may take some work to regain the strength of those core muscles. What's a girl to do in the meantime? Well, there's some tricks of the trade like a rouched look that is shown on the swimsuit above. It can be purchased at You can actually type in your body type and it will select the swimsuits that will compliment you the most.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
So Long Light Meals
That's a picture of me in Jamaica circa 2003 when I was writing Dream Chasers. I was on a quest to chop down some green bananas. If you look closely you can see how I handle the machete with much skill and agility.
One thing I did not know prior to nursing, was how famished you feel afterwards. I thought you can get by with Greek yogurt and fruit with some salad and be good for the next three hours. Boy was I wrong. I mean I'm more hungry than when I was pregnant. While pregnant, I could eat a bowl of cereal with soy milk and be able to go for hours without looking at food. Now I eat a bowl of cereal and it goes into a bottomless pit and I graze for no end to feel full.
I've decided to take it old school. Old school Caribbean dining that is. I grew up eating cornmeal porridge for breakfast and boiled green bananas and yams with saltfish, liver, callaloo, and ackee. Funny enough these are the only dishes that can sustain me. I should not be surprised. Although, these are some tasty dishes; they are loaded with iron, protein, calcium, that can easily be taken from you when you nurse. If you don't believe me, swing by a Jamaican restaurant (a good one) and see how well the food sticks to your bones. Bon appetit!
Thursday, April 10, 2008
What I Read During Pregnancy...

And what I'm reading now.
During my last trimester, I'm happy I read Pushed: The Painful Truth About Childbirth and Modern Maternity Care by Jennifer Block. Although, it aided in my paranoia with my upcoming labor, it made me aware of some unnecessary medical interventions.
During the first couple of weeks of waking up every two hours,for feedings and diaper changing, it does help to have a stack of magazines close by and light reading. Since I won't be hard pressed to read Faulkner at 3:00 A.M. with a crying baby. Along with my numerous issues of Domino, Essence, and Parenting magazines, I'm laughing my way through Sippy Cups Are Not for Chardonnay: And Other Things I Had to Learn as a New Mom by Stefanie Wilder-Taylor. Humor is definitely a sure way to get through pregnancy and motherhood.
Slinging It

I wonder if I can make "sling it" a new term.
"Yeah, I'm going to sling it to the park with Bea."
At whatever rate, I'm really enjoying the Baby Hawk Baby carrier ( It's very comfortable and my daughter likes it a lot...meaning she falls right to sleep in it. At first, I was a little nervous about carrying my little one around in one until I realized, it epitomizes the position she was in during pregnancy. You know, a little scrunched up and cozy. The bonus for her, is that she can hear my heartbeat when I carry her in front which puts her right back to the world of the womb. The bonus for me is that, I don't always have to be checking on her in the bassinet, when I'm away from the room. Where's baby? She's right here with me. That'll put any mother or dad at ease.
The Maya Wrap ( is another option for those of you who prefer the cross the body position.
Friday, April 4, 2008
Sleep Is So Overrated...

...when you have a newborn.
My sister told me the only way you can get through motherhood is through a good ounce of sense of humor. She couldn't be closer to the truth. Gone are the days when I can get eight hours of sleep. My sweetie wakes up every two to three hours crying out to be fed or changed. No rest for the weary, I tell you. But other than sleepless nights, it's a fulfilling experience to be a mother. It's amazing how much you love this person and just want the best for her.
The world is different. The future is different. Plus, I kind of feel like a kid all over again. I can't wait to go on it's A Small World with her at Disney World along with a trip to Sesame Street. I have big plans for my bundle of blessing.